If you like a good garden, a family camping trip or a rocky beach, we're about to become fast friends!

Outside of photography I love a good hike and traveling (give me a tent or a camper over a hotel ANY day). I'm a born book worm! I love non-fiction, classics like Jane Austen or a good mystery.

I'm a busy mom to a eight year old girl and six & three year old boys. We're living (and loving) the hobby farm life with a big, messy garden and a bunch of small animals. I love people, and meeting/making new friends is one of my favorite things!  Getting to give people beautifully crafted images of their families fills my cup to overflowing! I can't get enough!!

 I'm a stay at home mom and now homeschooling my oldest two kids, so I limit the number of sessions and weddings I take on each month. Life can be crazy and busy, and I try to be really intentional about not over scheduling my days. This way I can pour into both my family and my clients! 
I can't wait to meet you!!

Hey there,  friend!

Belly laughs

The best sound in the world, no matter how old you are

The Beach

An empty stretch of sand and crashing waves will never grow old


 In the garden, on the table, there's no such thing as too many

My husband

My favorite person, and the hardest worker there is

favorite things